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Counterfeit Fruit

Eric Druist

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” - 2 Timothy 3:5 KJV

Humanity has common needs and common questions arising from those needs.

God, our Creator, has provided answers in His Word, if we would but approach it with faith, rather than echoing Satan's skepticism in the garden,

"Yea, hath God said?"

While Satan has sowed doubt in God's answers, the questions remain.

Obviously, Satan can't give a straight answer; he must provide a counterfeit, pursuant to our destruction.

Just as counterfeit cash can bankrupt a business, counterfeit godliness can bankrupt a church.

There have been countless iterations of Satan's lies making a hollow pretense of godliness down through the ages.

Satan's lies are like a snake shedding its skin, so it's a bit difficult to stay 'relevant' as Satan continues to evolve his dictionary.

In the 60s and 70s, love was redefined as lust.

In the 2010s and 2020s, mercy was displaced by 'tolerance.'

Somewhere along the line, colleges founded on Biblical truth devolved into a 'trust the experts' charade.

Even in Biblical history, liberty was mistaken for licentiousness.

Tolerance is a Lawless Mercy

Mercy relates to an absolute standard, anticipating repentance and the reconciliation of the lawbreaker to the lawgiver, ultimately, Holy God.

Tolerance lowers standards, redefining the crime. It sees itself above the law, and wiser than Creator God.

Tolerance is a Begrudging Longsuffering

Mercy is forgiving and patient.

Tolerance avoids forgiveness by pretending standards don't exist, which builds resentment. Tolerance is a slow simmer.

Tolerance Offers a Dishonest Peace

Tolerance is never satisfied.

As it spirals away from God—waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, a moving target—the peace that it offers is evermore fleeting.

Mercy offers peace with God, unchanging and eternal.

Mercy is a gift.

Tolerance is an entitlement.

When you have a mere “form of righteousness," you become open to false doctrine that pretends to offer comparable or superior fruit, but “denies the power thereof.”

Don’t fall for counterfeit fruit.

Don’t settle for tolerance.

The power of the Spirit of Truth, in Jesus Christ, is mercy, patience, longsuffering, and peace.

~ Eric Druist

This post was first published on Social Media on October 5, 2024.


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